Revive the Voice of America

Voice of America

Speaking Truth To Power

President Donald Trump and his energetic Paladin Elon Musk have set in motion a reorganization that should not result in the dismemberment of the Voice of America, Radio Free Europe, Radio Free Asia and Radio Liberty. Many valid financial and philosophical reforms to agencies under the aegis of the U. S. Agency for Global Media are warranted. However, reform must not surrender the war of ideas and information to aggressive adversaries led by China. Moreover, some “America First” supporters may applaud the Trump/Musk “scalpel” that might appear to withdraw advocacy for American ideals and democracy as necessary to eliminate “leftist bias” and “Cold War relics.” Whatever their purpose, the Trump Administration must carefully consider an informed and intelligent rebuild and restoration of American information objectives and assets rather than abdicating global responsibility and initiative. In reality, the stakes for America are no more or less dramatic than during World War II or the Cold War.

Born of Necessity

Returning American international broadcasting to the Department of State may be a starting point in modernizing, reforming, and rebuilding the Voice of America, et. al. A brief history is warranted. Before 1942, American international broadcasting was private, led by the shortwave networks of CBS and NBC, including affiliates across Latin America. Like Communist China now, Nazi Germany aggressively sought world domination through assertive control of media and opinion. After the United States entered the war, the Office of War Information, led by the renowned CBS news commentator Elmer Davis, consolidated private assets, including the Crosley Broadcasting facilities in Ohio, into the fledgling Voice of America. Soon, the VOA was nicknamed “the Cincinnati liars” by Adolf Hitler. As documented in my book “America Ascendant,” the wartime service of the VOA and the Office of the Coordinator for Inter-American Affairs, directed by Nelson Rockefeller, are legendary.

Winning the Cold War

American international broadcasting passed to the Department of State following World War II. Then, the Eisenhower Administration formed the U. S. Information Agency. The United States expanded and modernized its state-of-the-art wartime transmission facilities and infrastructure. Intelligent initiatives such as the “Jazz Ambassadors” included Louis Armstrong, Duke Ellington, and Benny Goodman. This exemplified American culture’s promise and purpose. The VOA helped millions worldwide look to America for hope. Meanwhile, the ham-handed Radio Moscow represented the dour Soviet Union. The VOA spoke truth to power. Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty augmented the work of many on both sides of the Iron Curtain. They helped bring about the eventual collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the liberation of virtually enslaved peoples. More recently, the VOA has been one of the few fact-based news sources that can reach the people of China.

Reform vs. Retreat

Beijing interprets that the Trump Administration might silence the VOA, with the mocking dismissal “discarded like a dirty rag.” The VOA has worked tirelessly to counter the incessant information war China is waging against the United States. So, the CCP appears quite pleased. Chairman Xi could not have imagined such a windfall. Millions in China rely on the VOA for truth they cannot obtain from their media. Furthermore, the stakes could not be higher in nations targeted by China’s relentless quest for global supremacy and natural resources – the “Belt and Road” initiative. However, on March 15, Director Kari Lake placed nearly all VOA staff on administrative leave. Does this signal retreat, or rather a complete overhaul from top to bottom? Meanwhile, Mr. Musk appears to dismiss the VOA et al., tweeting, “Europe is free now (not counting stifling bureaucracy) – Hello?” Does he mistake Russia for being free?

Battle of Ideas

Mr. Musk has further stated, “Nobody listens to them anymore … it’s just radical left people talking to themselves while torching $1 billion a year of U. S. taxpayer money.” Although I greatly respect the brilliant Mr. Musk and the necessity of his efforts to cut government waste, he is misinformed. The VOA has a budget of $270 million and reaches 360 million people worldwide every week. Its African audience has grown to 94 million. We cannot surrender the battle of ideas in Africa, where the population will double by 2050. It is also no surprise that Iran will be overjoyed with any slashing of the VOA. The online VOA Persian Service had 223 million visits in 2024, despite the effort of the religious theocracy in Teheran to block it. Returning to the assertive pro-American values of the twentieth-century VOA would make a powerful statement.

Beacon of Hope

The Trump Administration has not yet articulated its international media and communications plan beyond the suspension of VOA et al. Do we want to return to the world of 1940? China spends ten times as much on international media as we do. This is not to say that editorial, content, and staffing reforms are unnecessary. We can trim the U. S. Agency for Global Media and transfer duties to the State Department. We can eliminate agency overlap, retire dead weight, and restore proper editorial oversight. The VOA et al. can and should be modern and efficient. President Trump understands the power of effective media and persuasion. However, he would not enjoy a successful foreign policy without focusing on robust international media objectives and infrastructure. Since Franklin D. Roosevelt, every president has understood this. A modernized VOA that represents American constitutional values is essential. The emerging agency must always stand for the truth as a bright beacon of hope.

Dennis M. Spragg is the author of “America Ascendant – The Rise of American Exceptionalism,” “Glenn Miller Declassified,” and the forthcoming “The Eagle and the Lion – The Essential American and British Alliance.”

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