Glenn Miller Airplane Claims

EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE: 1944-2024 GLENN MILLER DISAPPEARANCE In August 2020, The Daily Express of London headlined “World War 2 Mystery: Glenn Miller’s plane could be found within a three-mile radius.” The breaking news reported aviation archeology group TIGHAR “and Dennis Spragg, who authored the book Glenn Miller Declassified, suspect that the remains of the airplane … Read more

Glenn Miller Disappearance

Eightieth Anniversary: 1944-2024 Glenn Miller, the legendary American bandleader, disappeared eighty years ago over the English Channel. The Army Air Forces Major was an unauthorized passenger aboard a flight from RAF Twinwood Field, Bedfordshire, to USAAF Station A-42, Villacoublay Aerodrome, France. With Glenn Miller’s son Steven Davis Miller, and Alan Cass, Curator of the University … Read more

AFPAA Hall of Fame

GLENN MILLER AWARD On October 5, 2024, the Air Force Public Affairs Association inducted Major Glenn Miller into its Hall of Fame. Addressing the annual meeting of the organization in San Antonio, Texas, Dennis M. Spragg accepted the Glenn Miller Award on behalf of his family and many friends. Thanking the organization, Spragg shared a … Read more


AMERICA ENDS WORLD WAR II JAPAN DEFIANT By August 1945, America was poised to achieve total victory in World War II. As described in my preceding article Downfall, following the August 6, 1945, atomic attack on Hiroshima, it was evident that the Potsdam Declaration was no bluff. American broadcasts and leaflets announced the nuclear catastrophe … Read more


AUGUST 6, 1945 EXCEPTIONAL DEVELOPMENT On August 6, 1945, America effectively ended World War II by triggering the downfall of Imperial Japan. Firstly, as described in my previous post Trinity, with the unprecedented and exceptional project code-named Manhattan, the United States had harnessed nuclear energy. Secondly, we successfully tested the first atomic bomb in New … Read more


AMERICA GOES NUCLEAR At 5:29 a.m. Mountain War Time on July 16, 1945, the United States detonated the first nuclear weapon, an atomic device code named Trinity, in the Jornada del Muerto desert about thirty-five miles southeast of Socorro, New Mexico, on the Army Air Forces’ Alamogordo Bombing and Gunnery Range. Scientists and military personnel … Read more

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