Glenn Miller Airplane Claims

EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE: 1944-2024 GLENN MILLER DISAPPEARANCE In August 2020, The Daily Express of London headlined “World War 2 Mystery: Glenn Miller’s plane could be found within a three-mile radius.” The breaking news reported aviation archeology group TIGHAR “and Dennis Spragg, who authored the book Glenn Miller Declassified, suspect that the remains of the airplane … Read more

Glenn Miller Disappearance

Eightieth Anniversary: 1944-2024 Glenn Miller, the legendary American bandleader, disappeared eighty years ago over the English Channel. The Army Air Forces Major was an unauthorized passenger aboard a flight from RAF Twinwood Field, Bedfordshire, to USAAF Station A-42, Villacoublay Aerodrome, France. With Glenn Miller’s son Steven Davis Miller, and Alan Cass, Curator of the University … Read more


AMERICANS ASCENDANT JUNE 6, 1944 D-Day had arrived. Following a furious naval bombardment by the largest fleet ever assembled and supported by air forces with complete control of the sky, our fathers and grandfathers stormed the beaches of Normandy at 6:30 a.m. on June 6, 1944. Meanwhile, highly trained Rangers assaulted the cliffs of Pointe … Read more

I Like Ike

THE EXCEPTIONAL AMERICAN “I Like Ike” was the successful 1952 presidential campaign slogan for Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, the World War II Supreme Commander, Allied Expeditionary Force, and Cold War commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. On September 17, 2020, the United States of America honored the exceptional American president and multilateralist allied commanding … Read more

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