Glenn Miller Airplane Claims

EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE: 1944-2024 GLENN MILLER DISAPPEARANCE In August 2020, The Daily Express of London headlined “World War 2 Mystery: Glenn Miller’s plane could be found within a three-mile radius.” The breaking news reported aviation archeology group TIGHAR “and Dennis Spragg, who authored the book Glenn Miller Declassified, suspect that the remains of the airplane … Read more

Glenn Miller Disappearance

Eightieth Anniversary: 1944-2024 Glenn Miller, the legendary American bandleader, disappeared eighty years ago over the English Channel. The Army Air Forces Major was an unauthorized passenger aboard a flight from RAF Twinwood Field, Bedfordshire, to USAAF Station A-42, Villacoublay Aerodrome, France. With Glenn Miller’s son Steven Davis Miller, and Alan Cass, Curator of the University … Read more

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