Nightmare In the Pacific

The Artie Shaw Navy Band Review and Recommendation Michael Doyle’s new book “Nightmare in the Pacific, the World War II saga of Artie Shaw and his Navy Band” is an essential addition to big band-era and jazz scholarship and a must for anyone interested in 20th-century American music and musicians. The actual circumstances of how … Read more

Glenn Miller Airplane Claims

EIGHTIETH ANNIVERSARY UPDATE: 1944-2024 GLENN MILLER DISAPPEARANCE In August 2020, The Daily Express of London headlined “World War 2 Mystery: Glenn Miller’s plane could be found within a three-mile radius.” The breaking news reported aviation archeology group TIGHAR “and Dennis Spragg, who authored the book Glenn Miller Declassified, suspect that the remains of the airplane … Read more

Glenn Miller Disappearance

Eightieth Anniversary: 1944-2024 Glenn Miller, the legendary American bandleader, disappeared eighty years ago over the English Channel. The Army Air Forces Major was an unauthorized passenger aboard a flight from RAF Twinwood Field, Bedfordshire, to USAAF Station A-42, Villacoublay Aerodrome, France. With Glenn Miller’s son Steven Davis Miller, and Alan Cass, Curator of the University … Read more

AFPAA Hall of Fame

GLENN MILLER AWARD On October 5, 2024, the Air Force Public Affairs Association inducted Major Glenn Miller into its Hall of Fame. Addressing the annual meeting of the organization in San Antonio, Texas, Dennis M. Spragg accepted the Glenn Miller Award on behalf of his family and many friends. Thanking the organization, Spragg shared a … Read more

Ed Polic

1935-2024 DEAN OF BIG BAND SCHOLARS With the greatest sorrow, the Glenn Miller Collections and the Glenn Miller Birthplace Society regret to inform our worldwide community about the recent passing of the legendary Edward F. Polic. Our brilliant and uncompromising colleague and mentor had a profound influence upon anyone and everyone who loves the music … Read more

Glenn Miller Orchestra

AN IMPORTANT TRANSITION NICK HILSCHER Nick Hilscher has been music director of the Glenn Miller Orchestra from 2012 until the pandemic intervened. Previously, Nick and the band kept an exhausting schedule of appearances seemingly nonstop year-round. They have thrilled thousands of ardent fans from coast-to-coast and across the Pacific to Japan. During the hiatus, Nick … Read more

Music for the Wehrmacht

GLENN MILLER’S GERMAN LANGUAGE BROADASTS “THE OWI AIMS AT FRITZ” “LONDON – The German Army, target of the “German Wehrmacht Hour” beamed out by ABSIE (American Broadcasting Station in Europe) is getting its first taste of OWI-supplied live popular music according to the New York office of the OWI’s Overseas Branch. Beginning last Wednesday (Nov. … Read more

Larry O’Brien

GLENN MILLER ARCHIVES HONOREE Larry O’Brien is the cherished longtime former director of the Glenn Miller Orchestra. He is also a leader in preserving our big band legacy and advocate for the Glenn Miller Archives. Therefore, it is a pleasure to announce that Larry is now a member of the Glenn Miller Archives Hall of … Read more

Glenn Miller Medal of Freedom

WHITE HOUSE AND CONGRESSIONAL INITIATIVES Firstly, here is an update regarding our Glenn Miller Medal of Freedom and military honors initiative. As published in Glenn Miller Declassified: “Major Alton Glenn Miller, Air Corps, Army of the United States, confidently boarded the wrong aircraft on the wrong day to do his job as he saw it … Read more

FDR vs. Polio

DEFEATING THE INVISIBLE ENEMY PANDEMIC CHALLENGES COVID-19 is certainly not America’s original invisible enemy. The deadly 1918-20 Spanish Flu pandemic certainly comes to mind. The nation that defeated infantile paralysis in the 1950s (and other childhood afflictions) will conquer our current challenge. Although an American president must rely upon medical professionals to contain and overcome … Read more

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