Why Did You Write “Glenn Miller Declassified?”
Thank you for the opportunity to answer reader questions in this Interview. In 2009, yet another undocumented attempt was made to spread false allegations about Glenn Miller’s disappearance. The late Glenn Miller Archives Curator Alan Cass, historian Ed Polic, and I prepared a detailed statement in rebuttal. Glenn Miller’s son Steve believed the time had come to settle the matter of what really happened to his father. He also wanted to share the true story of his father’s distinguished service.
How Did You Discover So Many Details?
First, Steve directed me to investigate, discover the truth and to publish it pulling no punches. Next, he gave me complete access to all his father’s personal papers. He authorized me to represent him with government authorities. Meanwhile, Steve’s cousin John Miller, historian Chris Way and mentor Eric Hamilton in the UK gave me important guidance. Finally, many agencies and individuals on both sides of the Atlantic offered their unconditional support. Consequently, a seven-year investigation, code named Resolved, produced the historic milestone that is Glenn Miller Declassified. The book comprehensively rebuts various conspiracy claims and honors a genuine American patriot. I discovered thousands of pages of documents that are revealed for the first time in Glenn Miller Declassified. In conclusion, American airmen won the war in the air. Glenn Miller helped to win the war on the air.
What Was Your Biggest Challenge?
Organizing the many documents that exist among formerly classified materials. Military and government archivists could not have been more helpful with guidance. Inevitably, the patient methodology of assembling details from many locations in the USA and UK yielded a cohesive picture. I painstakingly compared individual testimonies and verified with written records. Using discretion, I withheld some non-relevant testimony. In the end, by process of elimination and careful examination, I straightened out many long-held misconceptions. We now know what happened to Glenn Miller. The only thing remaining is to find is to physically locate the airplane debris at the bottom of the English Channel.

What Surprised You?
The sophistication evident in the communications and correspondence of military officers and civilian officials of the era. Every document written by everyone from a lieutenant to a general is literate and clear. The amount of paperwork and reports among the many millions of documents produced during World War II is staggering. The remark that World War II was “fought in triplicate” is true! The reports of Eighth Air Force group and squadron commanders are livid and gripping. At the same time, you can hear the voices of Eisenhower and Churchill when you read their correspondence. This was the era before satellites, laptops, and gadgets. Writers were armed with typewriters, carbon paper, teletype machines and terrestrial radio transmitters. Importantly, the men and women who won World War II wrote unambiguous and understandable messages and reports.
Why Is Glenn Miller Important?
We live today in a polarized and uncertain era. The example of a successful celebrity who gave his life for his country is refreshing and inspiring. First, Glenn Miller was born during the sunset of America’s frontier west. Second, he and others of his generation came of age during World War I and the Roaring ‘Twenties. As it turned out, many remarkable leaders born in the late 1800s won Word War II. The generation following, born in the early 1900s, stepped forward to defeat fascism on the battlefield. In the end, Glenn Miller’s music was and remains the soundtrack of that important era. Not only Americans but the British people came to love his music and what it represents. Moreover, people around the world continue to share a special affection for Glenn Miller’s music.
What Else Do You Reveal?
I am impressed with the dedication of the many media professionals who went to war. Significantly, those who factor into the story of Glenn Miller. First, they include Gen. David Sarnoff of RCA and Col. William Paley of CBS at SHAEF. Next, Col. Thomas H. A. Lewis of Young and Rubicam, who created AFRS and Elmer Davis of CBS, who directed the OWI. Then, in the UK, Lt. Col. David Niven of Hollywood with SHAEF and the AEFP, Col. John Hayes of WOR, New York with AFN, and Col. Ed Kirby of WSM, Nashville and the NAB with SHAEF, the AEFP and AFN. In the end, they showed today’s journalists and media why integrity, common sense and responsibility will always matter. Their story is also a major element of my book America Ascendant.
This is is a beautifully written book, and meticulously researched, which I am sure I will read many times. What a loving tribute to an iconic artist. As someone with a passion for aviation, I thank you for your careful discussion of the avionics involved in Glenn’s disappearance. Thank you for GLENN MILLER DECLASSIFIED.