America, Israel and Iran

ISRAEL AT WAR Following the deadly surprise attack by Hamas on October 7, Israel is at war. President Joseph Biden has equivocated by simultaneously asserting absolute support for Israel but advocating for a restrained response. Although he has reassured frightened Israelis, Biden is mindful of the danger of an expanding confrontation. Moreover, during his October … Read more

Benedict XVI

SALT OF THE EARTH Laid to rest on January 5, 2023, the late Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI cannot be allowed to simply pass into history, because his legacy is compelling, if complicated. In 2013, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger of Munich became the first pope to resign in almost 600 years. To be sure, the reticent Benedict, … Read more

Resilient Ukraine

PUTIN AT THE ABYSS On Friday, September 30, despotic Vladimir Putin reached the abyss with his disastrous invasion of Ukraine. Faced with humiliation and potential defeat, the dictator brazenly announced his illegal annexation of eastern Ukrainian provinces and arrogantly threatened America and Europe with nuclear war. However, in reality, Putin has tragically cornered Russia by … Read more

Elizabeth II

AN EXCEPTIONAL LIFE OF HISTORIC SERVICE As Elizabeth II passed into history on September 8, 2022, a double rainbow appeared over Buckingham Palace, which was most fitting with her exceptional life and historic reign as sovereign of the United Kingdom. It is noteworthy that three of the most consequential eras of British history were led … Read more


CHINA AND THE SOLOMON ISLANDS Last week, when the U. S. Coast Guard cutter Oliver Henry sought to make a scheduled stop at historic Guadalcanal to refuel and reprovision, it was tersely denied port entry. This abrupt and insulting snub demonstrates that the totalitarian People’s Republic of China now essentially controls the strategic Solomon Islands, … Read more


AMERICA ENDS WORLD WAR II JAPAN DEFIANT By August 1945, America was poised to achieve total victory in World War II. As described in my preceding article Downfall, following the August 6, 1945, atomic attack on Hiroshima, it was evident that the Potsdam Declaration was no bluff. American broadcasts and leaflets announced the nuclear catastrophe … Read more


AUGUST 6, 1945 EXCEPTIONAL DEVELOPMENT On August 6, 1945, America effectively ended World War II by triggering the downfall of Imperial Japan. Firstly, as described in my previous post Trinity, with the unprecedented and exceptional project code-named Manhattan, the United States had harnessed nuclear energy. Secondly, we successfully tested the first atomic bomb in New … Read more

Rebirth of NATO

PUTIN AWAKENS THE ALLIANCE Despotic Russia, Defiant Ukraine and Cold War II remind us that NATO matters. As today’s Americans debate the value of alliances versus America First, we do well to remember America’s finest hour. Firstly, following World War II, the United States established a liberal democratic, economic, political, and military world order. Moreover, … Read more

Defiant Ukraine

PUTIN’S QUAGMIRE Defiant Ukraine, led by the refreshingly courageous and confident Volodymyr Zelensky, has boldly ensnarled the unscrupulous Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin into a hellish quagmire. Furthermore, they have clearly exposed Putin’s incompetent military and barbaric tactics. Nonetheless, the bestial Russian war machine continues to slog its way toward Kyiv. However, two weeks into his misadventure, … Read more

Nixon to China at 50

BOLD AND AMBITIOUS GAMBLE Fifty years have passed since American President Richard Nixon made his historic trip to China. On February 21, 1972, when Air Force One landed in Beijing, two decades of enmity between America and China ended. Firstly, a beaming President Nixon alighted to respectfully shake the hand of an approving Premier Zhou … Read more

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