November 2024 marks the 404th anniversary of the arrival in 1620 by the Mayflower and the Pilgrims at present-day Plymouth, Massachusetts. Firstly, this was the beginning of America Ascendant. Their experiment became the independent and progressive United States of America. Their blessed land is truly the land of the free and home of the brave. Moreover, the ideals and sacrifices of this small group of devout settlers became a standard. Their descendants built a continental nation conceived in liberty. Americans explored, expanded, and expunged the sin of slavery. Furthermore, a nation guided by enlightened pilgrim rather than feudal southern planter ideals went on to liberate its mother Europe. Then it rebuilt a war-ravaged planet and reached for the moon. Consequently, American values should continue to lead humanity past false communist and socialist dogma. Our diverse America remains a beacon for mutual security, prosperity, social justice, and environmental responsibility.


The records of Plymouth Colony and the Province of Massachusetts Bay document the harrowing circumstances faced by the newcomers, leading to their first “Thanksgiving” of 1621. Moreover, their descendants made a commitment to a revolutionary concept and nation that was fundamentally different from their homelands. All who followed across the violent Atlantic “lifted up their eyes to Heaven, their dearest country, where God hath prepared for them a city” (Hebrews XI, 16). There were others with different concepts who came to colonies such as the Commonwealth of Virginia. There, in 1619, merchants and planters would introduce the sin that was not cleansed until 1865. And that haunting legacy continues to challenge Americans. However, most of the newcomers planted, built, and moved west as free and just citizens. Mixing not always peacefully with native peoples, many learned to respectfully share and prosper while others wickedly stole and murdered.     


Soon after independence the new nation, guided by a Virginian named George Washington. created a wholly-free Northwest Territory. New provinces with names including Ohio and Michigan welcomed free settlers of all backgrounds. The fertile lands became the backbone of a Union and Grand Army of the Republic that liberated enslaved peoples and preserved freedom for all. A courageous president named Abraham Lincoln and determined general named Ulysses Grant, both from Illinois, ably led them. Moreover, in 1803 President Thomas Jefferson of Virginia had made the most significant land deal in history. The Louisiana Purchase brought mysterious lands, peoples, and riches from the bayous of Louisiana to the far Rockies into the American nation. America’s continental destiny would reach to the far Pacific following bitter quarrels with our Mexican neighbor over Texas and beyond. However, Americans overwhelmed displaced native peoples across the continent. And that legacy also challenges today’s Americans.


As a world leader, an idealistic and responsible America reached a magnanimous zenith following World War II.  Likewise, that character was also thankfully evident during a steady and thoughtful transition from the Cold War, led by American Presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, who closely coordinated with leaders including Mikhail Gorbachev and Helmut Kohl, to peacefully dissolve the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, and to reunify Germany. This was a remarkable and historic achievement. Moreover, This diplomacy and resolve were consistent with the multilateral vision of the exceptional Secretary of State, Gen. George C. Marshall of Virginia. And Americans continue to demonstrate that they judiciously continue to favor stability over extremes, teamwork over ego, reason over emotion and liberal, free market democracy over statism. Today, While Washington, Wall Street and Silicon Valley confront authoritarian and adversarial China — or not — still being Americans, they continue to have an important advantage: liberty.


However, the New York Times 1619 Project, endorsed by progressives and educators, seeks to revise American history. Their proposition is that America was really created in 1619, when the first enslaved Africans arrived in Virginia, rather than in 1776. They misleadingly maintain that Americans sought independence from Britain to preserve slavery. But British North America was not the epicenter of New World slavery, and the British Empire did not abolish slavery until the 1830s. Furthermore, the evil of slavery had been well-established in all human cultures, including African, for centuries. Moreover, most of British North America was free. John Adams, abolitionist Massachusetts patriots and the Continental Army would be astonished to learn of the claim that they had fought for genuine independence to preserve slavery. As Alexis de Tocqueville observed, “the colonies in which there were no slaves were more populous and richer than those in which slavery flourished.”


America has not always lived up to its promise. But it has always been on an ascendant trajectory. Any expression of American self-interest or traditional values is not inherently racist or imperialist. Americans are a diverse and dynamic people who share the blessed and bountiful land preserved by President Abraham Lincoln. America is abundantly rich in talent, resources, and dignity. Furthermore, there is much to be thankful for, despite a pandemic, disappointing leaders and other nagging concerns. An American Renewal will continue the virtuous journey that began in 1620. In conclusion, the Constitution of the United States, Bill of Rights, Amendments, national authenticity, and the many sacrifices and compassion of Americans to the present day demonstrate an enlightened and humanist vision. Consequently, 1620 is the true model for America Ascendant. This is the tolerant, just, and free America that we celebrate on this 2023 American Thanksgiving. Neither “America First” or “America Last,” where people from around the world yearn to be free.

Dennis M. Spragg is the author of America Ascendant, the Rise of American Exceptionalism and Glenn Miller Declassified.

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